It is Russian Novelist, Fyodor Dostoevsky, who once said “The degree of civilization in a society is judged by entering its prisons”. Following this rationale my latest paper operates on the assertion that the state of youth in a nation is reflected by youth in prison. A nation’s youth in prison constitutes those who are deviantly criminal and those who are criminally deviant. Deviant is not necessarily criminal, but sometimes it is. This paper is directed at youth crime and applies a sociological and mathematical approach of “deviant utility” using an interpretive sociological model based on constructs by Weber’s (1978) interpretive sociology, Durkheim’s (1982) social fact and consciousness, Lombroso’s (1876) Criminal man and a mathematical theorem based off Becker’s (1974) “Crime and Punishment: An Economic approach”.
This Tokota Theorem draws on the notion of the born criminal with assertion that many might find disturbing, we are all criminals. Every man, however pure and honest he may be, is conscious now and then of a transitory notion of some dishonest or criminal action. But with the honest man, exactly because he is physically and morally normal, this notion of crime, which simultaneously summons up the idea of its grievous consequences, glances off the surface of the normal conscience, and is a mere flash without the thunder. With the man who is less normal and has less forethought, the notion dwells, resists the weak repulsion of a not too vigorous moral sense, and finally prevails; for, as Victor Hugo says, “Face to face with duty, to hesitate is to be lost.”
This model for the “Tokota Theorem” is based on sociological constructs of the degree of socialization which we have incorporated with a mathematical model to explain deviance bordering on criminality to inform proper diagnosis and prescribe proper solutions in the policy space. According to Reckless & Dinitz (1968) there is a need for the development of an effective self-concept measure which can assess the direction toward or away from delinquency or deviant behavior generally. There is need also to develop measures of other self-factors which control directionality. When such factors are uncovered and when they are effectively measured, then it should be possible to chart workable programs to prevent delinquency and to re-enforce the components of self which enable the youth to be an effective conformer. Our model specifically differs from Becker’s (1974) model by our inclusion of born criminals, socialization and awareness of social opportunity as sociological research has shown that such factors affect the degree of criminal deviance.
This paper recommends a proactive approach to manage crime with broad recommendations to increase funding to the Zambia correctional system. The most eccentric recommendation from this paper is that to reduce youth gangs and youth crimes in peri-urban communities the Zambia Correctional system in collaboration with other stakeholders should set up reformation centres in these areas and prevent crime before it actually takes place by giving youth different aveunes for socialisation, recreation, awarness of social mobility and strong social identity. The rationale for this is not based on any moral or altruitistic sentiments but from the rational model of reducing the derived utility from deviance.
To make sure the “Tokota Theorem” is not a mere academic exercise it will form part of an active advocacy tool kit which will be presented by the author to parliamentary committees in Zambia hopefully aiming to change the narrative of how crime is proactively handled in the country. Afterall, was it not Karl Marx who famously said in his “Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach” that "Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point however, is to change it".
You can download the paper the link below.
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